Reflexology involves applying pressure to the feet in order to relieve stress or treat illness. This alternative therapy treatment, similar to a foot massage, can provide numerous health benefits. However, multiple treatments can get expensive. That’s why I love the affordability of Theraflow wooden foot roller.
Save Money with a Theraflow Dual Foot Wooden Massage Roller
Do you experience some sort of foot pain like plantar fasciitis or heel spurs? Having a home-based do-it-yourself care routine can save you a lot of money. Not to mention, This dual foot massager can handle 2 feet at once.
In addition, when you have foot massage tools at home, you can use them more often, which can help you get pain relief faster. At least, I know that has worked for me.
Plus, the TheraFlow Wooden Foot Roller only costs $15-$20. When compared to paying for a reflexology massage, the inexpensive gadget pays for itself in just one day’s use.
Theraflow Wooden Foot Roller Review:
Reflexology Foot Roller Provides Preventative Maintenance
I like foot acupressure tools to prevent foot pain from happening in the first place. Some people find that they feel more energized as well. Get in the habit of giving your feet a massage every morning or evening. You can improve the health of your feet.
Furthermore, reflexology nodules on the roller are positioned to hit specific trigger points in the foot. This is more beneficial than a basic foot massage alone.
This inexpensive therapeutic device is so easy and convenient to use that you really don’t need to think about it. For example, use it at your desk while you work or while you sit on the couch watching TV.
Note: A consistent daily foot-rolling routine can often out-perform infrequent foot massages. In other words, don’t underestimate the effectiveness of a simple wooden ball massager. The relaxation benefits alone outweigh the cost.
How to Use the TheraFlow Foot Massager:
First of all, you can use the TheraFlow wooden foot roller for acupressure. Simply position your feet on the massager where you want stimulation. Press down for a few seconds and then release. Repeat.
Second, you can roll your feet back and forth on the device. Roll in opposite directions for maximum stimulation (the wooden massage roller can accommodate 2 feet at once).
Acupressure tools like the TheraFlow Dual Foot Massager help to increase blood circulation to the area. Even a 10-minute session can relax and refresh sore and tired feet.
Use it while you work at your desk, watch tv or eat dinner. In fact, you can give your feet multiple massages a day without taking away time from your regularly-scheduled activities.
The package includes a foot reflexology chart with instructions on how to relieve common ailments.
If you are new to reflexology, don’t worry. This guide will tell you everything you need to know to get started and achieve maximum benefits with the wooden foot massage roller.
TheraFlow USA manufactures an entire line of self-massage products, including hand-held massagers and devices for deep tissue percussion and deep tissue acupressure.
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